Lapis Lazuli Steven Universe Liberation: Defying Trauma’s Watery Grasp


In the kaleidoscopic universe of Steven Universe, the character Lapis Lazuli stands as a testament to the intricate exploration of trauma and the indomitable strength that can emerge from its crucible.

From her genesis as a prisoner embedded in a mirror to her eventual liberation and self-discovery, Lapis’s journey is a symphony of complexity and resilience that resonates with viewers on a profound level.

The Origin of Trauma:

Lapis Lazuli’s saga begins in the midst of a war on Earth, where her gem becomes ensnared in a mirror, making her an unwitting spy for Homeworld authorities.

This tragic misidentification as a Crystal Gem, one of the rebels resisting alien colonization, leads to her forcible imprisonment within the mirror.

The audience is first introduced to Lapis as a mere reflection, a silent stone lying in the sand, symbolizing a history marked by captivity and isolation spanning thousands of years.

The concept of trauma, as portrayed through Lapis, transcends the physical realm.

Her gem, a crystalline core of her being, becomes a metaphorical prison, echoing the profound impact of psychological imprisonment.

The audience is confronted with the haunting idea that trauma, in its essence, lives not just in the mind but in the very fabric of one’s being.

Strength in Water:

As Lapis Lazuli evolves, her character becomes a poignant embodiment of strength, particularly in her control over water.

Unlike other gems, Lapis’s abilities are intricately tied to an earthly element—water.

Her prowess is breathtaking, demonstrated when she raises oceans into space, crafting a column that stretches beyond the limits of imagination.

The symbolism is profound; in harnessing the power of water, Lapis taps into the vastness of her own resilience.

Interestingly, her strength seldom manifests in traditional battles. Instead, Lapis’s abilities showcase a deeper connection with the world around her.

The fluidity of water, its adaptability, and its immense power serve as a metaphor for her emotional resilience.

It is through this unique lens that Steven Universe invites viewers to reconsider the traditional facets of strength and power within the context of trauma and healing.

The Power Struggle with Jasper:

lapis lazuli steven universe

Enter Jasper, a character who recognizes the potency of Lapis’s abilities and seeks to exploit them against the Crystal Gems. Lapis, in a narrative twist, seizes control by fusing with Jasper into Malachite.

This fusion, however, becomes a manifestation of Lapis’s trauma—a physical embodiment of her struggle for control and agency.

The portrayal of the power dynamic between Lapis and Jasper challenges conventional narratives of abuse. Instead of succumbing to victimhood, Lapis takes charge, binding Malachite in chains beneath the ocean.

This nuanced representation raises questions about power, control, and the complexities of relationships in the aftermath of trauma.

Complexity of Survivor Narratives:

Steven Universe takes a daring step away from the conventional survivor narrative, presenting Lapis as a character with intricate layers of emotions and conflicting sentiments.

The revelation that Lapis missed Jasper, drawing satisfaction from their dynamic, adds a depth rarely explored in mainstream media.

The show refuses to confine Lapis to the simplistic dichotomy of victim or survivor.

The complexity of Lapis’s emotions invites viewers to grapple with uncomfortable truths surrounding trauma survivors.

The acknowledgment that Lapis might have adopted tactics akin to her abuser prompts reflection on the shades of grey inherent in survivor narratives.

It’s a daring narrative choice that challenges viewers to engage with the messy, intricate nature of trauma and recovery.

The Liberation and Reclamation:

Lapis’s narrative takes a pivotal turn in “Alone at Sea,” where she confronts Jasper once again. The episode becomes a canvas on which Lapis paints the intricate landscape of her internal struggles.

What was initially perceived as a heroic sacrifice—her fusion with Jasper—unfolds into a more complex reality. In a profound moment, Lapis breaks free from the chains that bound her, asserting control over her body and power.

The culmination of her journey is embodied in a fist punching Jasper—an act of defiance, reclamation, and empowerment.

In this moment, Lapis not only breaks free from physical constraints but also reclaims her agency and power.

This liberation is not without its scars; Lapis, once listless, now grapples with the remnants of trauma, occasionally showing fear at the sight of water—a haunting reminder of her past entrapment.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Who does Lapis end up with?

In Steven Universe, Lapis Lazuli doesn’t end up romantically involved with any particular character. Her storyline primarily revolves around her personal growth, struggles, and relationships with other Gems, such as her complex fusion with Jasper and her eventual reclamation of agency.

What is the purpose of a Lapis in Steven Universe?

The purpose of a Lapis Lazuli in Steven Universe varies based on the individual Gem. Generally, Lapis Lazulis are known for their hydrokinesis abilities, controlling water with exceptional skill. In the narrative, Lapis serves as a multifaceted character, embodying themes of trauma, resilience, and the complexities of power dynamics within the Gem society.

Why was Lapis in a mirror?

Lapis Lazuli was imprisoned in a mirror by Homeworld authorities during a war on Earth. Mistaken for a Crystal Gem, she was coerced into serving as a spy, forced to reflect the rebels’ movements. Unable to provide the information they sought, she was abandoned in the mirror, trapped for thousands of years until Steven discovered and freed her.

Why is Lapis Lazuli so powerful?

Lapis Lazuli’s power in Steven Universe stems from her unique abilities tied to the element of water. As a Gem, she possesses hydrokinesis, allowing her to control and manipulate water. This power is showcased in her ability to raise oceans into space, create constructs out of water, and generate water from her gem. Lapis’s potency is further emphasized by her resilience and the emotional depth explored in her character arc.


In Steven Universe, Lapis Lazuli’s odyssey unfolds as a masterful exploration of trauma, resilience, and the intricate nature of strength.

Her character transcends the boundaries of traditional narratives, offering a nuanced portrayal of survival that refuses to adhere to simplistic categorizations.

Through Lapis, viewers are invited to confront uncomfortable truths, challenge preconceived notions of strength, and appreciate the complexity of healing.

Lapis Lazuli’s journey becomes a beacon, guiding audiences through the turbulent waters of trauma, resilience, and self-discovery.

In embracing the depths of her character, Steven Universe delivers a powerful message—that true strength lies not only in overcoming adversity but also in the intricate, multifaceted journey of reclaiming one’s agency, even in the face of profound trauma.

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