National Fintech Solutions: Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis Head-On


In the backdrop of an ever-increasing cost of living, millions of individuals worldwide grapple with financial strains, seeking unconventional solutions to cope with the pressures.

This article aims to delve into the multifaceted challenges posed by the escalating cost of living crisis and explore the innovative interventions of fintech companies, offering practical alternatives and assistance.

As we analyze the psychological and financial motivations behind the rise in online gambling and the dangers it presents, we will also explore how fintech solutions are emerging as beacons of financial hope, particularly for individuals and small businesses facing the brunt of economic uncertainties.

Understanding the Cost of Living Crisis:

The relentless surge in the prices of housing, education, healthcare, and everyday essentials has created a palpable financial strain on individuals and families across various socio-economic backgrounds.

As a result, the pressure to maintain a certain standard of living has led to stress, anxiety, and even depression.

To escape these negative emotions and financial burdens, some individuals turn to online gambling, seeking a temporary reprieve from the harsh realities of the cost of living crisis.

Psychological Reasons Behind the Rise in Gambling:

Online gambling serves as a psychological escape for many, providing a momentary thrill and excitement that distracts individuals from their financial hardships.

The dopamine rush experienced during gambling can offer a brief sense of euphoria and pleasure, momentarily masking the anxieties caused by the cost of living crisis.

However, this psychological escape often leads to addiction, with individuals continuously gambling in an attempt to recreate those fleeting moments of excitement and relief.

Financial Motivations for Turning to Gambling:

For some individuals, the allure of gambling lies in the potential for a financial breakthrough. As traditional avenues for income prove insufficient to meet the rising cost of living, the prospect of winning a substantial sum through gambling appears as a quick and easy solution to financial woes.

Yet, it is crucial to recognize that gambling is inherently unpredictable, and the chances of consistently winning are slim. Relying on gambling as a primary source of income can exacerbate financial instability, leading to a harmful cycle of dependency.

Dangers of Gambling for a Living:

While gambling may initially seem like a viable option to cope with the rising cost of living, it is essential to recognize the dangers associated with relying on it as a primary source of income.

The unpredictability of gambling means that individuals can easily lose more money than they can afford, exacerbating their financial troubles.

Additionally, the addictive nature of gambling can lead to compulsive behavior and neglect of other crucial aspects of life, such as personal relationships, work, and mental well-being.

Exploring Alternative Solutions:

fintechzoom cost of living

Instead of turning to gambling, individuals are encouraged to explore alternative solutions to cope with the challenges posed by the rising cost of living.

Budgeting and financial planning can provide a sense of control over one’s finances, helping prioritize expenses.

Seeking additional sources of income, such as part-time jobs or freelancing opportunities, can also alleviate financial strain.

Furthermore, building a support network of friends, family, or financial advisors can offer guidance and assistance in navigating the challenges of the cost of living crisis.

Fintech Interventions to Manage Cost of Living:

Budgeting and Money Management Tools:

Fintech companies are well-positioned to assist individuals in managing their cost of living by providing innovative products and services.

Budgeting and money management tools, such as those offered by P.F.C, enable users to track their spending and identify areas where they can cut costs.

For example, a budgeting app might analyze a user’s spending patterns and suggest ways to reduce expenses, such as switching to a cheaper cable or internet provider.

By providing users with a clear picture of their finances, these tools can help them make better decisions about how to allocate their resources.

One illustration of this is P.F.C, a Mambu customer that offers a mobile-centric service combining a personalized app with a Mastercard debit program.

P.F.C enables users to conveniently make purchases, divide expenses, and monitor spending. Users can also establish savings goals and make use of a clever budgeting feature.

Reduced Cost of Borrowing:

Fintechs offer a range of lending products that can help people consolidate their debt and reduce their interest payments.

This is especially beneficial for individuals with high levels of debt, which can be a major drain on their finances.

By leveraging technology and streamlined processes, fintech lenders can offer more competitive terms and conditions compared to traditional lending institutions.

Fintech Support for SMEs:

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have faced unique challenges in recent years, grappling with the rising prices of materials, products, and human capital due to inflation.

According to a recent Paypal survey of over 1,000 UK-based SMEs, 78% believed that the immediate cost of living is the most significant threat to their business in the coming years.

Fintech lenders can play a crucial role in supporting SMEs during these uncertain times through alternative financing options with more favorable terms and conditions.

  • Offer Flexible Repayment Terms:
    Fintechs can provide SMEs with flexible repayment options, such as repayment breaks or smaller, more regular payments. These measures can assist SMEs in managing their cash flow during difficult financial times, providing them with the breathing room needed to navigate economic uncertainties.
  • Financial Education:
    Lenders may offer financial support and education to SMEs, enhancing their financial literacy and enabling them to handle their money more effectively. By empowering SMEs with the knowledge and tools needed for sound financial management, fintechs contribute to building a more resilient business landscape.
  • Faster Approval and Funding:
    Fintech lenders often boast faster approval processes and the ability to disburse funds to SMEs much quicker than traditional lenders. In times of uncertainty, these services can be better communicated to existing and prospective customers. This agility in providing financial support can help SMEs access much-needed funds without having to go through lengthy application processes.

Global Examples of Fintech Innovation:

fintechzoom cost of living

In the United Kingdom, where 12.9 million adults are considered to have low financial resilience, approximately 34% of adults have savings either below £1000 or none at all.

Access to finance becomes a vital safety net for these individuals. Fintech companies like Mambu are at the forefront of addressing these challenges.

For instance, African-based Mambu customer 4G Capital provides unsecured business loans, enterprise training, and digital solutions to their customers.

They utilize a combination of relationship management and AI technology to decrease the possibility of defaulting on loans.

Customers receive solutions tailored to their specific life and business requirements, showcasing the adaptability and personalized nature of fintech interventions.

Disclaimer of Gambling Risks:

Before concluding, it is important to acknowledge the risks associated with gambling. Gambling can be addictive and lead to serious financial and personal problems.

The responsibility lies with individuals to gamble responsibly, betting only what they can afford to lose. Some risks associated with gambling include financial loss, addiction, mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as relationship problems.

It is crucial for individuals to recognize the signs of addiction and seek help when needed.

Seeking Help for Gambling Addiction:

For those who find themselves trapped in a cycle of gambling addiction, seeking help is crucial. Gambling addiction is a recognized disorder that requires professional intervention and support.

Various resources are available, including support groups, counseling services, and helplines, to provide assistance to those struggling with gambling addiction.

Recognizing the signs of addiction and reaching out for help is the first step towards reclaiming control and finding healthier ways to cope with the challenges of the rising cost of living.

In conclusion, while the cost of living crisis undoubtedly poses significant challenges, the intersection of financial technology and responsible financial practices provides a glimmer of hope.

By understanding the psychological and financial motivations behind certain coping mechanisms and exploring innovative fintech solutions, individuals and businesses alike can pave the way for a more financially resilient future.

FAQs on
Fintechzoom Cost of Living:

Q: What is the cost of living crisis?

A: The cost of living crisis refers to the sustained increase in the prices of essential goods and services, causing financial strain on individuals and families.

Q: Why do people turn to online gambling amidst the cost of living crisis?

A: Some individuals turn to online gambling seeking a psychological escape from financial hardships and the potential for a quick financial breakthrough.

Q: What are the dangers of relying on gambling as a source of income?

A: Relying on gambling can lead to financial instability, addiction, and neglect of crucial aspects of life, exacerbating the challenges posed by the cost of living crisis.

Q: How can fintech companies help individuals manage the cost of living?

A: Fintech companies offer budgeting and money management tools, reducing the cost of borrowing, and providing innovative solutions to alleviate financial strains.

Q: What are budgeting and money management tools?

A: These tools enable users to track spending, identify areas for cost-cutting, and make informed financial decisions to navigate the challenges of the rising cost of living.

Q: How do fintech lenders support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?

A: Fintech lenders offer alternative financing options with flexible repayment terms, financial education, and faster approval and funding processes to help SMEs during uncertain times.

Q: Can fintech solutions benefit individuals with low financial resilience?

A: Yes, fintech solutions, such as budgeting tools and reduced cost of borrowing, can provide crucial support for individuals with low financial resilience.


As 2023 approaches, a year expected to bring financial difficulties, fintech companies have a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference for families and small businesses.

By innovating and addressing some of the significant challenges posed by the rising cost of living, these technological interventions offer a beacon of hope in navigating the financial complexities of the modern world.

The cost of living can be a significant burden for both individuals and businesses, but thankfully, companies in the fintech market are designed to benefit the banking consumer first, leveraging cloud technology for more efficient, accessible, and personalized financial solutions.

By finding a balance between financial responsibility and self-care, individuals and businesses

alike can navigate the difficulties of the rising cost of living with resilience and determination.

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